Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Starting a new series.. from the eyes of the modern day Bhagiraths...

Bhagirath is the one who brought the holy river Ganga to the earth. It is a famous story. As per the Ramayana, to liberate his ancestors, he performed penance to bring the holy river Ganga to Bhuloka. And with the guidance of Brahma and help from Shiva, he finally did it. The Ganga is a symbol of water resource. That water, which not only quenches the thirst of all creatures but, is the basis of creation. 

Looking at the present day scenario of water depletion from the ground and surface, we need some Bhagirath again. Fortunately, with the grace and guidance of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, there is a team of Bhagiraths who are actively working to bring back the lost waters of India, reviving rivers and bringing back life on this planet. 

In this series, I aim to introduce such modern day Bhagirathas) who are tirelessly working just for the sake of water. Watch out this space for interesting stories coming up in a couple of days. One at a time. The individuals who have committed their lives for this cause and whose passion when integrated with the enthusiastic support from the villagers is changing the scene of water scarce India. 

Starting a new series.. from the eyes of the modern day Bhagiraths...

Bhagirath is the one who brought the holy river Ganga to the earth. It is a famous story. As per the Ramayana, to liberate his ancestor...