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Showing posts from March, 2013

Ashram Life...

There was an urge to experience the Ashram life. When I heard that the people whom I started admiring in my AOL journey in the beginning, the senior teachers, have all spent some time in the Ashram as an Ashramite, I wanted to experience that life. I just kept on praying to Guruji that I was bored of my the then job in London and I wanted to do something meaningful, where every moment of my life can be used in the best possible way. What can be better than contributing in my Guru's vision of making Stress Free, Violence Free world ?  This is amazing life. Every moment I spend here, I feel is the best moment. He has given me this opportunity to serve the humanity in the best possible way. When someone comes here with a heavy heart and stays for a while, the environment here, the energy here just does the miracle... I love to see them when they are leaving. Their faces start glowing. They go with such a light heart and a big smile on their face. Isn't it the most meaningful