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Showing posts from April, 2012

10 Commandments.... the last part...

7. Better the world around you Life runs on commitment. If you observe every small thing or big thing in life, they go with certain commitment. Greater the commitment you take, greater the power you gain to fulfill that commitment. Greater the commitment, easier things are. Smaller the commitment, suffocating it is for you. Smaller commitments suffocates you because you have more capacity, but you are stuck in a small hole! Usually we think we should have resource and then we will commit. Greater the commitment you take, greater the resources will come to you automatically. Whatever you are committed to, brings you strength. If you are committed to your family then your family supports you, if you are committed to society, you enjoy the support of society. Commitment will always bring comfort in the long run. Make a commitment to make this world a better place to live.  8. Dream the impossible. Unless you have a dream, you cannot realize it. Every invention has come out of

10 Commandments... Contd...

4. Nurture your emotions A person without emotions is like wood without any juice. You need to make your life interesting to draw people to you. This will happen when you nurture yourself with music, prayer and service. The way to expand from individual to universal consciousness n to overcome personal misery is to share universal misery! The way to expand personal joy is to share universal joy. Ask yourself what can you do for the world? When you show kindness, your true nature comes into play. Do some random acts of kindness without expecting anything out of it. You don’t have to plan your acts of kindness. Just do something spontaneously. When you do random acts of kindness, you come in touch with your true nature. 5. Drop your prejudices Learn to communicate effectively with everyone. Communicating without prejudice is vital for success. If you are faced with someone who knows more than you, be like a child and keep your ears and eyes open for learning. If you are faced with so